One of the biggest challenges faced by organizations in the competitive market is retaining and managing employees, especially through an ever-changing pandemic. Not only do you have to juggle safety and productivity, but employees are also concerned about their future as we are all in turbulent times on this journey back to “normal”. With that said, here are some top suggestions companies can use to keep their employees captivated and connected to their work.

Safety Should Be Priority
Due to COVID-19, safety has become a major issue for every industry. Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing are some easy protocols to put in place. If employees are willing to follow the rules, they can join the office and if they are not willing to do, they can continue working from home. Furthermore, the employees should be immediately informed about any positive case on the premises along with including preventive measures to make sure other employees and their families are safe. Thus, with coherent communication, staff will build more trust in the organization.

Clear Communication Is The Key
As we know the time is challenging and tough for everyone, so clear communication with employees plays an imperative role. For employees to feel valued and secure, businesses should share their weekly reports, how the virus has impacted the company, and if there is any change in policy on the horizon. Additionally, explicit communication with the staff will bring encouragement and compassion to their work. They can make an informed decision along with openly sharing their uncertainties in the most uncertain times we are living in now!

Flexibility Is Must
Flexibility has become a crucial component for businesses working during the pandemic. Employees may need extra time to take care of things at home like home-schooling for kids or taking care of a sick loved one. So, be a leader, not a boss, and work with the team to find the schedule that is best suited for both the company and the worker. If you have hired the team based on their ability and they can work independently, putting trust in them will be rewarding.

Have Clarity On Financial Situations
Nation-wide lockdowns, the global market decline, and scarcity of resources are some major challenges faced by businesses across the world. Companies should communicate with their employees about the financial stability of the business and possible issues that may impact their future.